Is Your TV News Talent Agent Negotiating the Best Deal?

TV news talent, including anchors, reporters, sports reporters, and meteorologists, are no strangers to having multiple offers from various stations.

So what to do?

Unfortunately, too many of these folks don’t have a reliable agent negotiating the best deal for them. Thus, their first order of business should be to hire an experienced TV news talent agent who has an intimate understanding of how the industry works.

Reasons to Hire a TV News Talent Agent

In a nutshell, an experienced TV news talent agent will have connections with station news directors and general managers that give him or her backdoor access to information that could affect your decision.

Furthermore, when a TV news talent agent recognizes true potential, he or she is willing to coach such individuals to help them find the best job for the most money. That said, having an agent will likely get you at least 15-20% more than you would get on your own.

Bottom line, with an agent, you have so many advantages that you just won’t don’t on your own. Because of their vast knowledge of the industry (and, more importantly, the people in it), they can help you home in on the best deal when you have multiple offers.

Common Mistakes Talent Make When Choosing a Job

So often, when a talented TV news personality is faced with several offers, they can become overwhelmed and tend to focus on the wrong things when considering which position to take. The following are just some examples:

  1. Going Where the Climate Suits Them

The first big mistake is choosing a job for its climate, which happens more than you would think. While it may be appealing to live in a place that’s warm and sunny all year, any good agent will tell you that this should not be the driving force behind deciding which offer to accept.

For example, many people are thrilled when offered a position in a city like San Diego. It’s one of the sunniest cities in the country. Yet, once they arrive, they’re befuddled as to why the pay isn’t consistent with the cost of living. That’s because management knows there are plenty of talented people willing to take the position and sacrifice the best deal for good weather.

  1. Not Knowing How Far to Push An Offer

When an offer comes, folks without an agent (or with an inexperienced one) are tempted to accept it flat out. Rarely, however, is the first offer the final offer.

A TV new talent agent has an implicit understanding of how far an offer can be pushed. They won’t automatically assume that hair, clothing, and makeup are part of the offer – as they often aren’t anymore. The same can be said for relocation costs. While companies may hedge on paying them, an agent knows how to negotiate to get them to shell out compensation for at least part of these expenses.

Finally, they’d advise most talent under the age of 30 to secure a deal that’s no longer than two years in duration. This is because by the time the third year comes around, the salary will no longer be enough – at which point, the agent would set up a renegotiation for more. An exception is for a frontline Anchor who is being offered significant money and terms.

  1. Allowing Their Agent to Accept a Deal on Their Behalf

Talent that’s somewhat inexperienced might be eager to allow their agent to accept a deal on their behalf without fully understanding all the tenets of the deal. This should never happen and a morally upstanding agent would not allow this. Every deal should be in writing before the agent AND the talent sign off on it.

What a TV News Talent Agent Negotiating the Best Deal Looks Like

At the end of the day, a TV news talent agent negotiating the best deal will come down to some important questions posed to the talent by the agent.

Among the considerations are whether the job will set them up well for the next job, what kind of environment has management created, and if it’s somewhere they’ll want to stay for a long time. And these are just a few.

So if you’re an anchor, reporter, sports reporter, or meteorologist trying to decide between multiple offers and your agent isn’t working hard on your behalf, contact us today. As long-standing professionals in the industry, we will ALWAYS have your back.