Hire The Agent Who Can Fast-Track Your Career

Despite all the technology available today, getting the job you want in the news industry is still about relationships.

That’s why tv news anchors, tv reporters, weathercasters, sportscasters, recent college graduates, and those about to graduate seek the guidance and services of Mort Meisner.

I Know Where The Jobs Are Before Anyone Else

Mort has decades of experience in the news industry at all levels and is THE agent that station and hiring managers across the country turn to when building their broadcast teams.

Here’s how Mort can fast-track your career like no one else!  Learn about one of Mort’s clients who was recently named Top Anchor at Fox 2 Detroit!

Get The Advantages You Can’t Get Anywhere Else

  1. Leverage Mort’s personal relationships with station managers and hiring managers across the entire country.
  2. Get expert critiquing of your performance from an expert who knows what station and hiring managers want.
  3. Get expert level coaching on how to apply, communicate, and interview for and get the position you want.
  4. Have the industry expert in your corner when it’s time to negotiate your employment contract and get the best deal for YOU.
  5. Create a lifetime relationship with an industry expert who always pushes for the upward mobility of YOUR career.